E.R. Sigdel & Associates कम्पनीले माग्यो चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेन्ट /आर्टिकल ट्रेनी, यस्तो छ आवश्यक योग्यता तथा अनुभव (भ्याकेन्सीसहित)

E. R. Sigdel & Associates, a reputed CA national level audit firm is announcing vacancy for CA students who have recently passed examination under ICAN as follows:

Article Trainee: 6 (CAP 2 passed)

Chartered Accountant : 2 (CAP 3 Passed)

Interested candidates are requested to submit their resume at ersigdel@yahoo.com,
contract number: 9801031525