AB & Associates कम्पनीले माग्यो चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेन्ट, यस्तो छ आवश्यक योग्यता तथा अनुभव (भ्याकेन्सीसहित)

We would like to request you to post the following vacancy in your portal related to vacancy opening for CA at AB & Associates, Chartered Accountants.

Chartered Accountants-3

We commit to provide adequate work exposure to articled assistants as well as to promote overall professional growth for the staff associated with us. We always love seeing team AB grow and sharing our opportunities with all.

With Best Regards,
Nimesh Kiran Aryal
AB & Associates, Chartered Accountants
Autoland Building
Teku, Kathmandu
P: 014770528